Risk Point Mobility Underwriters is the leading provider of Automobile Dealer’s Open Lot Insurance Physical Damage Coverage distributed through our independent retail agent partners.
Non-Admitted with A.M. Best ratings of A- VIII (Excellent).
Coverage is available in ALL STATES.
Comprehensive, Collision and False Pretense (trick, scheme and device).
Weather Loss aggregate deductibles available for weather, including windstorm and hail.
Economic Loss is covered up to a maximum of $2,500 as a result of collision damage to a new vehicle and up to $2,500 for additional miles added to the odometer of a new vehicle as a result of a theft loss.
High sublimit of $500,000 per year for a False Pretense (trick, scheme or device) loss.
Coverage is available for stored “off lease“ vehicles.
Aggregate per loss deductible on collision losses.
The “margin clause“ provides coverage up to 25% of additional limit, of insurance shown on the policy. The “margin clause“ does not apply to Flood or Earthquake coverage.
The average monthly value is the limit and the rating basis, unless the dealer’s operations require higher limits.
Convenient payment plans are available.
No monthly reports are required by dealers.
Claims Service provided by Applied Claims Group, LLC and is managed in our Dallas, Texas headquarters.
The Risk Point Alert Weather App early warning detection is provided to our agents and insureds.
Franchised Auto Dealers
Non-Franchised Auto Dealers
Franchised Heavy Truck Dealers
Franchised Motorcycle Dealers
Franchised RV Dealers
Franchised ATV Dealers
Boat Dealers
Auto Rental Companies
Farm Equipment Dealers
Yellow Line Equipment Dealers
Mobile Homes
Complete Application
3 Years of Loss Runs
Expiring & Target Premium